SRFI Liaison Group Meeting - January 2021

The first 2021 meeting of the SRFI Liaison Group took place this evening, with an update from SEGRO and Winvic on progress at the Northampton Gateway site.
SEGRO provided an update on the construction of the site which includes:
Site clearance – demolition of existing unsafe buildings and vegetation removal
Ecological improvements – hedge translocation and badger sett relocation
Service location and trial holes- to identify existing services such as gas, water, electric and drainage
Site establishment – site offices, electric charging points and secure perimeter fencing
Service diversions
Traffic management
Construction of the J15 works – stripping of topsoil, cut and fill
Earthworks for the distribution building plateaus
During the first quarter of this year there will be some overnight lane restrictions to install safety barriers – this will last for approximately 4 weeks.
SEGRO will be working closing with highways authorities to minimise any traffic disruption.
Further information can be found on their website –
I also raised the issue of flooding in Collingtree, which contains to be under investigation.
SEGRO also provided an update on the measures they are taking to reduce the risk of Coronavirus. This includes mandatory use of the Test and Trace app, reduced numbers of individuals on site and strict adherence to Government advice of social distancing, masks and hygiene.