Be My Apprentice For 2017/18!
For each of the last six years I have run an apprenticeship scheme in my constituency office for a local school leaver. This is a great opportunity to study for an NVQ Level 3 in Business Administration whilst getting experience in a busy MP's constituency office.
As an integral part of Team Leadsom, my Apprentice Caseworker is responsible for engaging with constituents and dealing with the high volume of correspondence I receive each day, as well as supporting the wider team in ad hoc projects.
My previous Apprentice Caseworkers thoroughly enjoyed their time in my office, and all have gone on to either study at university or into full time employment. You can hear from some of them in the video below.
The role is full time, paid, and lasts for twelve months. Although based in Towcester, there are regular opportunities to work in Westminster and to get fully involved in all aspects of parliamentary life.
To apply to be my 2017/18 Apprentice Caseworker please send me your CV, cover letter and a 1-page researched essay on what you think are the three key challenges for South Northamptonshire and how you might tackle them.
The deadline for applications is the 27th March 2017. Please email me at or write to me at my constituency office address.