Towcester Relief Road Public Meeting

I am delighted to be able to confirm that my colleague the Rt Hon. John Hayes MP, Minister for Transport, will be attending a public meeting to discuss the early delivery of the Towcester Relief Road on Thursday 23rd February from 7pm in the Council Chamber at South Northamptonshire District Council.
This has been a doorstep issue for far longer than I have been your Member of Parliament and continues to be a key concern for local residents and commuters. Indeed, I understand that the Towcester Bypass Action Group has set-up a very successful petition which has received nearly 1500 signatures. I have been working closely with Cllr Ian McCord and Catherine Morris, Leader of SNC and Chairwoman of TBAG respectively, and others to highlight the pressing need for the relief road to be built as soon as possible.
John has very kindly agreed to come to meet with local residents to explain how the relief road might be delivered ahead of schedule.
I look forward to welcoming John to our town and to hearing more about the Department for Transport’s plans for Towcester. There will be an opportunity for a Q&A following John’s update, and I anticipate the meeting concluding by around 8.30pm.
Due to capacity constraints in the Council Chamber, the event is ticketed on a first-come-first-served basis. There is no cost for the tickets, and you may apply via the Eventbrite website.
Do get in touch with me with any questions, and I look forward to seeing you there.