St Crispin Clock Tower Exhibition

Thank you to Anna King from Midland Heart housing association for the invite to the St Crispin Clock Tower Art Exhibition and the excellent organisation that had been put into the event.
Unfortunately, due to a pressing last-minute commitment in London, I was unable to attend but my Constituency Office Manager, Maggie Clubley, went along on my behalf. As you may know, I am very supportive of the campaign to protect the Clock Tower and restore it to its former glory, and have previously raised residents’ concerns with Northants County Council and WN Developments who took over the site in 2009. I have written again to WN Developments to ask for an update on their proposals.
The exhibition was opened by the Mayor of Northampton, Cllr Tony Ansell, who also presented certificates for the art competition to residents of St Crispin Village and children from Woodleys and Rhymetime Nurseries. The residents and children performed a superb rendition of the “Baby Shark” song including dancing! (Apologies to everyone who now has the catchy tune stuck in their heads for the day… if you haven’t heard it, watch below!)
Martin Buckley, who had been a Nurse at St Crispin and later Berrywood Hospital for over 30 years, gave a short history of the hospital and his working life, and a fabulous cake of the Clock Tower had been made and was officially cut by the Mayor.
A huge thank you to all at St Crispin Retirement Village for an excellent event and for making Maggie feel very welcome!