Andrea Leadsom Challenges HS2, National Highways and Persimmon to work with her successor

As Parliament has now dissolved, I am no longer the MP for South Northamptonshire.
Yesterday, I wrote a series of letters to stakeholders in Parliament and South Northamptonshire including HS2, Persimmon and National Highways urging them to work with whoever my successor is on:
• Getting fair and just compensation for those affected by HS2
• Finishing the Towcester Relief Road as promised in 2025
• Stopping the DHL warehousing application in Towcester
You can find the text of my letters below:
HS2: I am writing to inform you that, on careful reflection, I have decided not to seek re-election as the Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire at the forthcoming general election. It has been the greatest privilege to represent the constituency that I call my home for the last fourteen years.
I deeply regret that we have not been able to resolve many of the longstanding issues for a number of my constituents who have ongoing cases with HS2. These people have been put through extreme hardship by the construction of HS2, and they deserve a swift resolution to their cases. Nor have we resolved the issue of good communications to local residents on road closures and diversions. I will be urging the next MP to continue with the HS2 Liaison meetings that I established in 2010 and to continue to hold HS2 to account.
Persimmon: I deeply regret that we have not been able to resolve the longstanding issue of the Towcester Relief Road, and hope that my successor will continue the regular meetings I put together to get this road finished on time in 2025. I am grateful that in the past few years, Persimmon have stepped up their commitment to South Northamptonshire and to this road, and I look forward to progress being made on outstanding issues such as the Silverstone Crossover to get this road open as soon as possible.
National Highways: There are many outstanding issues with South Northamptonshire’s roads. I deeply regret that we have not been able to resolve the longstanding issue of the Towcester Relief Road, and hope that my successor will continue the regular meetings I put together to get this road finished on time in 2025.
It is also unfortunate that the timing of this election means that I cannot more fully throw my weight behind the campaign to stop DHL’s appalling warehousing application in Towcester. I hope that your upcoming meeting with Save Towcester now on 3rd June will prove to be a productive one, and that National Highways will recognise the horrendous impact that this development would have on local roads.