Response to IM Planning Application decision

Many constituents are extremely disappointed about the decision at WNC planning committee last night to approve the IM planning application – I share their disappointment. Residents of Tiffield are devastated by this news and it also has terrible implications for residents of Towcester who are likely to experience even worse air pollution as a result of traffic that may take a shortcut through Towcester via the new proposed roundabout.
It is the view of the vast majority of constituents who have contacted me in recent months that this beautiful and historic area is totally unsuitable for the huge logistic sheds and warehousing that are being applied for.
I have written to the CEO of West Northamptonshire Council, Anna Earnshaw, on many occasions to make the views of my constituents known. She has written back this week to advise that the council will be putting together supplementary planning guidance to ensure that development is appropriate for our area.
My reply (below) seeks clarification on exactly what this guidance will cover and how material it will be in protecting Towcester and the surrounding areas from unwelcome and insensitive overdevelopment.
I will continue to keep constituents updated on this issue.