Visit to Blakesley Church of England Primary School

I was pleased that Friday’s snowy weather didn’t disrupt my visit to Blakesley C of E Primary School for a question and answer session with Year 6 pupils. I spoke to pupils about the role of an MP and what Parliament was like. I asked if they knew what animals are frequently found in parliament and pupils were surprised to hear about the huge number of mice, and even the odd fox walking around!
The pupils had prepared many questions to ask me such as how many hours a day I work, what I liked about being an MP, was my job difficult, why I decided to become an MP and how I got elected, how many MPs there were, is it hard to make a decision and how many people can fit in the chamber. It was an interesting variety of questions!
We also had a long chat about the Online Safety Bill, how young people can stay safe online and what age they should own a mobile phone of their own. I think 13 is a sensible age but the pupils disagreed and thought age 10 was suitable so they could get used to using a phone before going to secondary school where they would be more independent, but their parents could always contact them.
Thank you to the staff and pupils for a fun visit!