Yesterday, the HS2 Minister, Huw Merriman MP updated the House and MPs on delays to the construction of HS2.
According to the minister, passengers and communities will be able to use new stations between Old Oak Common in London and Curzon Street in Birmingham by 2033 - a significant delay compared to previous opening targets.
Construction between Birmingham and Crewe will be delayed by two years, and the Department have confirmed that they aim to deliver high-speed services as soon as possible after accounting for the delay in construction. They have also confirmed that they remain committed to delivering HS2 services to Euston, and this will be done alongside the high-speed infrastructure to Manchester. This means that construction at Euston will not proceed in the next two years due to affordability and profiling issues.
My view on HS2 remains unchanged - it is unnecessary, costly and hugely damaging to the lives and livelihoods of my constituents and I will continue to oppose it at every opportunity.
You can read the Minister’s letter to MPs below and also view his remarks to the House here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2023-03-14/debates/12BE7356-3FDA-4474-8D0A-C0F3EC649E36/HS2RevisedTimetableAndBudget#contribution-90A29760-4709-46F1-A0AD-22EDCC2A1D2E