Thank You!
I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who voted for me and re-elected me as your Member of Parliament for another five years. It is a huge honour to be an MP and an even greater one to represent the wonderful constituency of South Northamptonshire.
The final result was as follows:
Andrea Leadsom – Conservative: 36,607
Lucy Mills – Labour: 10,191
Tom Snowdon – Lib Dem: 3,613
Roger Clark – UKIP: 8,204
Damon Boughen – Green: 2,247
Majority: 26,416
Turnout: 60,862
I really enjoyed the campaign and did my best to visit as many areas of the constituency and talk to as many people as possible. It was a real pleasure to share the campaign trail with my fellow candidates for what was a friendly and good natured campaign.
I am also delighted that nationally, and against what the polls were saying, the Conservatives have won an overall majority. I am looking forward to the opportunity for David Cameron to implement a full Conservative manifesto. There are many challenges and a lot of work to be done and I know the new Government will waste no time in getting started.
Many thanks once again for your support. This may be a strong Conservative seat but I want to assure you I have always, and will continue, to treat all voters with respect and take nothing for granted. Whether you voted for me or not, you are always welcome to contact me and I will always do my best to help you.