Visit to Cynthia Spencer Hospice

I was very grateful to have had the opportunity to visit the Cynthia Spencer Hospice in Northampton last week, and to meet some of the hard-working doctors, nurses and health professionals who provide such amazing care on the Inpatient Ward, in the Day Hospice, and at home.
Jointly funded by the Cynthia Spencer Hospice Charity and the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, the Hospice offers specialist physical, psychological, social and spiritual care to those with life limiting illnesses.
Dedicated volunteers work alongside Matron and the Senior Nurse to provide a welcoming, safe and comfortable environment, and undertake a range of vital duties. The grounds and gardens, in particular the Woodland Walk, are beautifully maintained by an army of volunteer gardeners.
Louise Danielczuk, the Hospice’s Community and Corporate Fundraiser, kindly hosted my visit, taking me on a tour of the Inpatient Ward and the Day Hospice and explaining more about their future plans for expansion. I am also grateful to Richard Glasspool, the Hospice's Service Manager, from taking a few moments from his busy schedule to speak to me about his role and the work that the Hospice does.
The whole team at the Cynthia Spencer Hospice works hard to ensure that the building is filled with positivity, and you can truly feel it as you walk through. As one of their wonderful staff I met on my tour said to me, “we can’t change the destination, but we can certainly ease the journey”.
There are so many great ways you can get involved with the Hospice, and I would encourage everyone to check them out.
The Hospice organises loads of fundraising “challenges”, including walking, cycling, running, treks and, for adrenaline junkies, even wing walking and sky-diving activities! Find out more here:
If you’d like to get stuck in and volunteer your time and services, there are always opportunities to help out. Head to the volunteering section of the Hospice’s website to learn about what their volunteers do:
Finally, if you would like to donate to the Cynthia Spencer Hospice, please do click here to make a donation of your choice: