Early Years Visit to Bradford
As Chairman of the Early Years Healthy Development Review I have visited several local authority areas over the past few months to see the work underway to implement the Best Start for Life vision.
I had a fascinating visit to Bradford where I saw the work of their Better Start programme and heard about their plans upon being selected as one of the 75 local authority Best Start for Life areas. Visiting the St John’s community hub and the BD4 Family Community Trust, I spoke to members of the early years workforce and heard more about their Little Minds Matter and Talking Together programmes which work to support the social and emotional development of babies and young children. I also met families and a parent and toddler play and learn session which was lots of fun!
I am looking forward to following closely the work of Better Start Bradford and their progress as one of the 75 Best Start for Life areas.
You can read more about my visit here: https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/20250095.dame-andrea-leadsom-mp-visits-better-start-bradford/