Visit to Helmdon Primary School

As part of UK Parliament week I visited the village school of Helmdon. It was wonderful to see that the children and staff were all supporting Children in Need and that a vote from the children on what they should do to raise funds had led to them all turning up for school in their PJ’s and onesies! Well done to everyone for supporting a great cause.
The children had been learning about Parliament in school, and I was really pleased to see that they were so knowledgeable. They were particularly concerned about climate change, renewable energy and organic farming. I was asked whether I had met the King and I told the children about my time as DEFRA Secretary of State when I met the then Prince Charles and talked with him about climate change and farming, and in particular organic farming which is very important to a number of farmers in our area. I also spoke to the children about renewable energy and why we will move away from using fossil fuels over a period of time.