Guest UserMay 08, 2021build back better, Conservative As we look to build back better, an agenda of delivery has triumphed Guest UserMay 08, 2021build back better, Conservative
Guest UserSeptember 11, 2018Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPUK Economy, financial crisis, Labour, Conservative, Coalition, deficit, debt, surplus, GDP, Employment UK Economy Update Guest UserSeptember 11, 2018Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPUK Economy, financial crisis, Labour, Conservative, Coalition, deficit, debt, surplus, GDP, Employment
DefraGuest UserJune 22, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPEnvironment Secretary, Environment, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Leader of the House, farming, food chain, dairy, wheat, exports, English sparkling wine, European Union, Defra, Michael Gove, apprenticeships, space flight, satellites, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, Mental Health Bill, mental health, domestic violence, Conservative Reflecting on Defra DefraGuest UserJune 22, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPEnvironment Secretary, Environment, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Leader of the House, farming, food chain, dairy, wheat, exports, English sparkling wine, European Union, Defra, Michael Gove, apprenticeships, space flight, satellites, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, Mental Health Bill, mental health, domestic violence, Conservative
DefraGuest UserOctober 04, 2016Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPConservative Party Conference, Theresa May, Environment Secretary, Environment, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Thérèse Coffey, George Eustice, John Gardiner, Conservative, speech Conservative Party Conference Speech DefraGuest UserOctober 04, 2016Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPConservative Party Conference, Theresa May, Environment Secretary, Environment, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Thérèse Coffey, George Eustice, John Gardiner, Conservative, speech