BEISGuest UserSeptember 21, 2019Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPapprenticeships, Northampton College Opening Northampton College's Advanced Construction Engineering Centre BEISGuest UserSeptember 21, 2019Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPapprenticeships, Northampton College
Guest UserJanuary 29, 2019Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPApprentice Caseworker, apprenticeships, Apprentice, Towcester, Jake Fountain, Emily Hall Be My Apprentice For 2019/20 Guest UserJanuary 29, 2019Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPApprentice Caseworker, apprenticeships, Apprentice, Towcester, Jake Fountain, Emily Hall
Guest UserJanuary 12, 2018Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPApprentice, apprenticeships, Team Leadsom, Apprentice Caseworker, Towcester, Employment, Zac Lever, Emily Hall, Work Experience Be My Apprentice For 2018/19! Guest UserJanuary 12, 2018Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPApprentice, apprenticeships, Team Leadsom, Apprentice Caseworker, Towcester, Employment, Zac Lever, Emily Hall, Work Experience
Guest UserNovember 09, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPSilverstone Circuit, Silverstone Classic, Silverstone Real Ale Company, Silverstone Real Ale Brewery, Whittlebury, Fox & Hounds, small businesses, Tanel Karjus, Trevor Wright, Rob South, Strangers' Bar, CAMRA, Ignition ale, apprenticeships, Apprentice Ignition Ignites MPs' Interest Guest UserNovember 09, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPSilverstone Circuit, Silverstone Classic, Silverstone Real Ale Company, Silverstone Real Ale Brewery, Whittlebury, Fox & Hounds, small businesses, Tanel Karjus, Trevor Wright, Rob South, Strangers' Bar, CAMRA, Ignition ale, apprenticeships, Apprentice
DefraGuest UserJune 22, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPEnvironment Secretary, Environment, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Leader of the House, farming, food chain, dairy, wheat, exports, English sparkling wine, European Union, Defra, Michael Gove, apprenticeships, space flight, satellites, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, Mental Health Bill, mental health, domestic violence, Conservative Reflecting on Defra DefraGuest UserJune 22, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPEnvironment Secretary, Environment, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, Leader of the House, farming, food chain, dairy, wheat, exports, English sparkling wine, European Union, Defra, Michael Gove, apprenticeships, space flight, satellites, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, Mental Health Bill, mental health, domestic violence, Conservative
DefraGuest UserApril 19, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPfarming, European Union, Free Trade Agreement, exports, food and drink, Environment Secretary, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, apprenticeships, Sainsbury's, McCain, Moy Poy, animal welfare, food safety, food traceability The Future for Farmers DefraGuest UserApril 19, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPfarming, European Union, Free Trade Agreement, exports, food and drink, Environment Secretary, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, apprenticeships, Sainsbury's, McCain, Moy Poy, animal welfare, food safety, food traceability
DECCGuest UserFebruary 18, 2016Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPSizewell B, Sizewell C, Apprentice, apprenticeships, nuclear, Nuclear Workforce Assessment, nuclear decommissioning, EDF Energy, EDF, Paul Spence, Jim Crawford, National Grid Visit to Sizewell B DECCGuest UserFebruary 18, 2016Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPSizewell B, Sizewell C, Apprentice, apprenticeships, nuclear, Nuclear Workforce Assessment, nuclear decommissioning, EDF Energy, EDF, Paul Spence, Jim Crawford, National Grid
DECCGuest UserNovember 13, 2015Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPHinkley Point C, nuclear, EDF Energy, Vincent de Rivaz, Energy Minister, energy trilemma, energy independence, Department of Energy and Climate Change, decarbonisation, renewable energy, renewables, shale gas, coal, Nuclear Workforce Assessment, Apprentice, apprenticeships Visit to Hinkley Point C DECCGuest UserNovember 13, 2015Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPHinkley Point C, nuclear, EDF Energy, Vincent de Rivaz, Energy Minister, energy trilemma, energy independence, Department of Energy and Climate Change, decarbonisation, renewable energy, renewables, shale gas, coal, Nuclear Workforce Assessment, Apprentice, apprenticeships
DECCGuest UserSeptember 23, 2015Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPAlison Thewliss MP, Carol Monaghan MP, Craig Martin, Megan Dougan, Morna Grant, Apprentice Caseworker, apprenticeships, Apprentice, SSE, Silverstone, Silverstone University Technical College, University Technical College, Silverstone Circuit, Energy Minister, Department of Energy and Climate Change Meeting Apprentices DECCGuest UserSeptember 23, 2015Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPAlison Thewliss MP, Carol Monaghan MP, Craig Martin, Megan Dougan, Morna Grant, Apprentice Caseworker, apprenticeships, Apprentice, SSE, Silverstone, Silverstone University Technical College, University Technical College, Silverstone Circuit, Energy Minister, Department of Energy and Climate Change