ParliamentGuest UserNovember 29, 2021Farmnation, STEM, Climate Superhero, NFU Aryan, South Northamptonshire's Climate Superhero ParliamentGuest UserNovember 29, 2021Farmnation, STEM, Climate Superhero, NFU
Guest UserOctober 05, 2018Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPConference, Conservative Party Conference, CPC18, West Midlands Police, G4S, Prime Minister, Theresa May, NHS, Brexit Britain, Brexit, EU Referendum, Labour, Conservatives, Birmingham, Young People, Young Conservatives, Youth Zone, women, Conservative Women's Organisation, Julie Iles, Royal British Legion, National Farmers Union, NFU, Conservative Friends of Israel, Midlands Engine, ABBA Conference 2018 Guest UserOctober 05, 2018Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPConference, Conservative Party Conference, CPC18, West Midlands Police, G4S, Prime Minister, Theresa May, NHS, Brexit Britain, Brexit, EU Referendum, Labour, Conservatives, Birmingham, Young People, Young Conservatives, Youth Zone, women, Conservative Women's Organisation, Julie Iles, Royal British Legion, National Farmers Union, NFU, Conservative Friends of Israel, Midlands Engine, ABBA
DefraGuest UserFebruary 22, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPNFU, National Farmers Union, Meurig Raymond, Minette Batters, Birmingham, Environment Secretary, Defra, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, farming, farm support, Basic Payment Scheme, Rural Payments Agency, European Union, Brexit, food and drink National Farmers Union Conference DefraGuest UserFebruary 22, 2017Office of the Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MPNFU, National Farmers Union, Meurig Raymond, Minette Batters, Birmingham, Environment Secretary, Defra, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, farming, farm support, Basic Payment Scheme, Rural Payments Agency, European Union, Brexit, food and drink